This is a blog I wrote the summer of 2006 and now that the first half of the year has flown by, Time is flying by.... each day a new letter or phone call comes from another college for Michael. He has his heart set on a couple and one in particular, me well I just want him to get a good education. I'm trying to be as involved as I can in his activities, at the same time step back as he wants to do things on his own. He still needs to find the washer and dryer and learn how to work it. But I noticed the other night when he returned from his work Christmas party, he had won a large piece of luggage, (his thought) "I can fill that full of stuff to move to college", (my thought), "on no, can you imagine how many dirty cloths you can pack in the piece of luggage on wheels and bring home to mom." I'll keep you posted as the months fly by. But as my friend Sherri, comments I have to remember this is a time for "FIRSTS", also and that is pretty exciting.
mikes ma Dec 2006
When my son was younger say 10 or 11, I said to him one day. "You know son, one day it's just going to be me and the dog!" He replied, "nope mom, just gonna be you, I'm taking the dog."
Now he is a senior, and yes I have to think about his going off to college. This will be a year of "this is the last time" I will see him do that , on the high school football field, on the wrestling mat, banging those drums in the band. We talk about his being gone one day, as parents we prepare our children to leave us from the day they are born. We teach them to walk, talk, roller blade, swim, drive, we allow them to explore many new things in preparing them for life as a young adult one day, making choices. Sometimes we yell and put our foot down, not always because we are angry, but because we want you to slow down. Stop a minute we are not ready for you to go yet. Who is we, well me and God, he has helped us along the way. We have more to teach you, so stay awhile longer, let me teach you to balance that checkbook, give me time to enjoy today with you. For many new amazing experience await you, so we teach you to go, so that one day you can come back and tell Us about all those amazing expereinces you have had.
mike's ma july 2006