Friday, July 10, 2009

Power of Friendship

I can't imagine how I would have made it all these years without my friends. I just turned 50, and don't deny I was dreading it. But I am so thankful that God brought together a group of friends and family who wanted to share this occasion with me. We had a Sista's weekend and wow what a terrific, inspiring, laugh till you cry, pinky swear time it was. I have often felt ashamed of where I had been, how my life turned out. Like everyone I had plans and dreams, a family, house, dog.... the whole deal. A job as a psychologist.......and this weekend I realized there is no shame in my life. I am blessed with a wonderful son, a supportive family, a man that loves me and friends ........ and I am exactly where God wants me to be.


About Me

United States
I am 1st a Christian woman,passionate about Gods love and sacrifice for me, who has been lucky enough to be blessed with a terrific son, and wonderful family and friends. God laid on my heart some time ago, the need for single parent ministry in our community. There are so many for whatever reason are single parents now, it is a large and growing population in our country. James 1:27 says that we are to visit orphans and widows in their distress. The new orphans and widows in our world today. They are those children without fathers in the home, or mothers in the home, the blended families, the children being raised by grandparents. Please pray for my ministry as I continue to listen for where God leads me.