Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bandaids and Bactine

I use to think a band-aid and a little bactine, a kiss and some toll house cookies could fix everything. I remember my son a young boy of 4 or 5 sliding down the hill in front of the house where we lived it was summer, and he was using his snow sled. He slid off that little round disc meant for snow and not dirt and scratched himself up pretty good. He came screaming crying into the house and I looked at him and said, I don't see any blood you'll be okay and off he went to do it again. Another time he decided to skate head first down a very steep incline, lots of bandaids and bactine. But,each time he would get up and try it again. Then there was the time, I got the call that he was hurt really hurt and I rushed home to see him pale holding his arm.... he never cried not one time... but I did. Several months surgery, a few srews and therapy later, his arm and elbow where almost as good as new. Now all he has to show for it is that long jagged scar, I wear the scars of these incidents in my heart as every parent does. We hurt for our children when they hurt. But bactine, band-aid and a kiss can't fix those unseen hurts the ones our sons an daughters carry in their hearts. There is not a band-aid large enough to repair those life lessons they must learn on their own, but I will bake the cookies and restock the bactine just in case he needs me.

mikes ma 2006


About Me

United States
I am 1st a Christian woman,passionate about Gods love and sacrifice for me, who has been lucky enough to be blessed with a terrific son, and wonderful family and friends. God laid on my heart some time ago, the need for single parent ministry in our community. There are so many for whatever reason are single parents now, it is a large and growing population in our country. James 1:27 says that we are to visit orphans and widows in their distress. The new orphans and widows in our world today. They are those children without fathers in the home, or mothers in the home, the blended families, the children being raised by grandparents. Please pray for my ministry as I continue to listen for where God leads me.